
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) strengthens personal responsibility and accountability through investigation and resolution of alleged violations of university policies.

Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Citizens of this community commit to reflect upon and uphold these principles in all academic and non-academic endeavors, and to protect and promote a culture of integrity.

To uphold the Duke Community Standard:

  • I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
  • I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
  • I will act if the Standard is compromised.

Duke University has high expectations for students’ scholarship and conduct. In accepting admission, students indicate their willingness to subscribe to and be governed by the rules and regulations of the university, which flow from the Duke Community Standard. These policies reflect the Duke Community Standard’s fundamental values—honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Undergraduates acknowledge the right of the university to take disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion, for failure to abide by the regulations or for other conduct adjudged unsatisfactory or detrimental to the university community.  Students and groups may be held accountable for any violation of university policy that may or may not be included in this guide, whether on or off campus.
